
...and Thanksgiving is Almost Here!

Good gravy (no pun) readers, it's almost that time. So much stuff to do before then, so little time. Not to mention, I haven't been keeping up with my reading of the Etsy Bloggers boards, and I almost missed this Blog Carnival. Yup, you got it...another one related to the holidays, 'cept this one is related to Thanksgiving.

I have until midnight to finish this post for Stormy Designs, who is hosting this blog, so this is gonna be quick and dirty for sure! To ensure that I get this in on time, I'm going to post my "To Do" list here for my holiday weekend. That way, if I have to add anything later, during the week I'll be back to update the progress I've made.

Here goes:

  • Go to liquor store. Much wine is needed for this holiday.
  • Prep items for the things I'm responsible for making (dinner is at my parents' house this year): apple dumplings, pumpkin pie, tomato basil dip
  • Determine what else to make to go to my friend's house, which is where we hang out at Thanksgiving evening.
  • Dig through all of my DVDs to find "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation," which is a family tradition where we're all stuffed and feelin' fat and we watch this hilarious movie while drinking that wine I bought at the liquor store.
  • Make apple dumplings, pumpkin pie, tomato basil dip
  • Try to fight off my husband from eating apple dumplings and pumpkin pie (my honey has a bit of a sweet tooth)
  • Did I mention go to the liquor store?
  • Begin holiday shopping on Etsy :oD

Well, there you have it. Perhaps I'll put recipes up later this week? They're quite easy and yummy too.

Nighty-night, all.


Paisley The Jackabee said...

LOL don't forget to go to the liquor store ;-) Thanks for the submit :-)

AliciaMae said...

mmm liquor :) I mean pie! yeah yeah I meant pie!!!